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Remote Virtual Inspection Service (RVI)

The Labour Market Regulatory Authority launched the Remote Virtual Inspection Service (RVI) to remove administrative offences monitored by the Inspection Team via Zoom application. The project aims to quickly remove administrative offences and reduce the waiting period for field inspection visits at the request of the employer to remove administrative offences.

The service comes in line with the digital transformation program of government services, which involves re-engineering workflow procedures to benefit from technological developments to save time and effort for clients.

Service Requirements

  1. Smart device with camera.
  2. Stable internet service.
  3. Zoom application.
  4. Microsoft Teams application.

Process Description

  1. Submit a violation removal request via eSupport function on the Expat Management System (EMS).
  2. LMRA shall contact the employer to schedule an appointment.
  3. Link will be sent to employer via email.
  4. Open the link on the agreed time/date to begin the service.
Last Update: 26-08-2024.
