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General Questions for Domestic Employees

Yes, a text message will be sent to the employer’s mobile number that is registered with LMRA.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

  1. Receiving the domestic employee’s ID card from the Information and eGovernment Authority.
  2. Completing biometric data collection procedures.
  3. Completing medical examination procedures.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

No, you can also issue a work permit through any of LMRA’s branches.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

No work permit application can be processed without your consent, as this requires the following:

  • Visiting the Authority in person to approve the application.
  • The e-key of the applicant at the Information and e-Government Authority.
  • Self-certification by attaching two valid copies of the employer’s personal identity and to be signed by the employer himself as a proof of consent.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

Not at this stage, work is in progress to provide this feature in the very near future.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

You can either recruit directly or through an approved employment office. In this regard, LMRA warns against dealing with any unauthorized agencies or intermediaries to protect your rights.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

For more information, kindly visit the following link: Fees

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

No, there are none.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

Yes, if the application is submitted through an employment office only.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

No, currently you are only able to renew them through one of LMRA’s branches.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

Yes, the approved employment office can submit an absence from work notification application on behalf of the employer after it has been authorized.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

Yes, the approved employment office can terminate the domestic employee's work permits on behalf of the employer after it being authorized.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

Yes, the approved employment office can receive the fees of issuing work permits for the domestic employees by the employer, which will then be paid on his behalf through the electronic system between the employment office and LMRA.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

The employer can access the Expatriate Management System (EMS) via the electronic key (eKey) and view the number of work permit details. It is also possible to use the Permit Management service for domestic employees through Kingdom of Bahrain's National Portal, or by calling the Labour Market Regulatory Authority’s Call Centre on +973 17506055

Last Update: Thursday 25 July 2024

You can log in to the Expat Management System (EMS) using your advanced e-key to view the details of the domestic employees registered under you.

Also Text message will be sent to all employers once their domestic employees are due for renewal.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

Employers can choose to renew for a period of 6 months, a year or two years.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

For more information, kindly visit the following link: Domestic Employee Work Permit Cancellation.

Last Update: Sunday 18 February 2024

For more information, kindly visit the following link: Domestic Employees Absence from Work Notification.

Last Update: Sunday 18 February 2024

For more information, kindly visit the following link: Renewing the Domestic Employee Work Permit.

Last Update: Sunday 18 February 2024

You must cancel the current work permit and then apply for a new work permit through the following services:

Last Update: Thursday 25 July 2024

A list of approved employment offices  are available on the LMRA official website, bearing in mind that this list is updated bi-weekly by LMRA.

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023

For more information, kindly visit the following link: Medical Examination Rescheduling Service for Domestic Employees

Last Update: Tuesday 28 November 2023
