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Order No (75) of 2008 With Regard to Controls and Procedures on Reconciliation in Respect of the Crimes Committed in Violation of the Provisions of the Law of Labour Market Regulation

Source: Ministry of Labour

Minister of Labour, Chairman of Labour Market Regulatory Authority:
Having reviewed the Penal Code Promulgated by Legislative Decree No. (15) of 1976 as amended;
Law No. (19) of 2006 Concerning the Regulation of Labour Market, particularly Articles No. (23) and (40) thereof;
Legislative Decree No. (75) of 2006 Concerning the Formation of the Board of Directors of Labour Market Regulatory Authority; and
Upon submission by the Vice Chief Executive Officer, Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority; and
Upon approval of the Board of Directors of Labour Market Regulatory Authority

Orders as follows:
Article (1)

In implementing the provisions of this Order, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings shown in front of each, unless the context requires otherwise:
Authority: Labour Market Regulatory Authority.
Chief Executive Officer: The Chief Executive Officer of the Authority.
Employer: The employer in accordance with the definition set out in Article (1) of Law No. (19) of 2006 Concerning the Regulation of Labour Market.
Authority Inspector: Inspection Department’s employee of the Authority whose assigned to carry out inspection work and empowered with the status of Judicial Discipline Officer.
Prescribed Fine: The minimum fine stipulated in paragraph (a) of Article No. (36) of Law No. (19) of 2006 Concerning the Regulation of Labour Market.

Article (2)
It is permissible in case of non-recurrence, to reach to a reconciliation in respect of a crime of hiring a foreign worker without work permit on it in accordance with the provisions of the Law Labour Market Regulatory, or otherwise using this worker in violation of the provisions hereof or the terms of the permit.

Article (3)
If the violator desires to reconcile, a separate process-verbal shall be prepared, signed by the violator and the Authority’s inspector and approved by the Director of Inspection Directory at the Authority.

Article (4)
The reconcile fine due shall be paid in cash or accredited check or by credit card accredited by the Authority, with the inadmissibility of the installment amount.

Article (5)
The Chief Executive Officer of the Authority shall implement this Order which shall come into force on the date following its publication in the Official Gazette.

Dr. Majeed Bin Mehsin Al Alawi
Minister of Labour
Chairman of Labour Market Regulatory Authority

Issued on:9 Rabea 11, 1428 Hijra
Corresponding to 15 April 2008.

Last Update: Sunday 26 February 2023
